Miss K goes Oz

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Got a job

after having some trouble with Dee's internet I finally get to write another post! I'm now for 3 weeks in Perth and I still love it!! it's a great city and to stay with Dee is absolutely fabulous!!! about 2 weeks ago I had to check my bank account to be able to set up my further travel plans... and found out that I had only 150 Euros left... pooohooooo.. that made the plans rather short... ;) well.. I than decided to start looking for a job in a hostel or cafe... in other words... Dee asked her ex-boss and some people she knows who own places if someone had a job for me.. and hey.. it worked out.. I got an interview at the cafe across the street and that's where I'm helping out now!! I won't name the place just in case the Australian legal forces start searching on blogs for illegal workforce... :( oh yes.. that's me... illegal workforce.. sounds terrible.. I know!!! Though... the first 2 weeks I'm replacing the dishwasher... who is stressed out with exams these 2 weeks and on thursday I will start behind the counter.. the money is not so good... but better than not doing anything without money still.. I told them I would stay for 2 months.. but actually I'm not sure if I do it for that long... I might just work 4-6 weeks.. take my money and dad's credit card... THANKS DAD!!!! and do a bit more travelling before coming home in August... I will see.. but first... I have to earn the honey!!!! ohooo.. I almost forgot... I was watching Wolf Creek yesterday evening on DVD and I'm pretty sure now that I will not go to the Outback anymore... god ... that movie is pretty scary... especially if you had the same trip on your mind before... brrrrr... you have to watch it!!! .............................. hope everyone is fine!!! I'm sooo much looking forward to seeing all of you soon!!!


  • Klaudia, estas en la bancarrota!
    Oye, sabes ya algo de lo de la furgoneta? no dudes en decirme cuanto es cuando lo sepas!! Mandame un mail con los datos.

    Estoy en Cairns! Hoy ha sido genial, he ido a hacer scuba a un sitio increible lleno de coral y peces. Bueno, tu ya sabes. Estoy en el Gilligan's. Mucha fiesta, pero yo paso un poco. Mi proximo destino todavia no lo tengo muy claro, alguna recomendacion??

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, June 05, 2006 5:42:00 PM  

  • klaudia t deje un mensaje en el d abajo, q idiota soy...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:18:00 PM  

  • Hallo liebe Reisende! als aufmerksame Beobachterin habe ich gerade gemerkt, dass bei deiner "location" kein ? mehr steht, sondern: AUSTRIA! Gratuliere zur Entscheidung - ausgezeichnete Wahl. Machs gut. bis bald.
    lg Vertsch

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 07, 2006 8:08:00 PM  

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