Miss K goes Oz

Friday, July 14, 2006

Finally back on the farm

Jipihhhh.. I'm finally back on the Carter Farm!! Yeah!! I'm having such a good time... but just check out the photos and you know what I'm talking about!!! We came back here on Monday and it's Friday already!! Time goes way too quickly!! And we are working hard every day!! It's not easy to be a sheep girl.. but lucky me I have Dee.. and she always knows what to do!! We are getting up every morning around 7 - 8 o'clock and start working! It's great!! And Dee's family is just awsome!! Oho... don't forget about the landscape and all the animals I've seen already!!... Kangaroos, foxes, eagles, parrots, cockies, cat (only one.. Smoodge), dog (only one too... BEAR DOG), sheep, sheep and some sheep... and oho... more sheep!! I LOVE IT!!!!! But actually you probably wanna know what I'm exactly working. Good question since I've no idea about farming! But there are still a lot of things to do for me. I can drive the ute around and open and close gates (and there are sooo many of them). I was sitting on the traktor with Chris for one afternoon and even got to drive the huge traktor for 3 laps around a huge paddick!! Yeah!! Then I helped Dee to shift sheep from one paddick to another one and this morning we were separating the lambs from their mothers because something very painful is about to happen to the poor little things. I prefer not to go into detail on this.. just say "schnipp-schnapp someting's up"... Alright.. I have to go back to work now!!


  • Klaudia ein Wahnsinn, der Sonnenuntergang!!! Auch wenns am Traunsee zur Zeit soooooooo schön is. Hab 2 Wochen Urlaub und freu mich schon extrem auf einen Quatscher mit dir. Bussi Stef

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:05:00 AM  

  • Klaudia ein Wahnsinn, der Sonnenuntergang!!! Auch wenns am Traunsee zur Zeit soooooooo schön is. Hab 2 Wochen Urlaub und freu mich schon extrem auf einen Quatscher mit dir. Bussi Stef

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:05:00 AM  

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