Time to say good-bye
Yes, tomorrow I'm heading back to Austria!!! There's not really much left to say but I had a ball!!! It was amazing!! And I hope that everyone had a good time reading my blog and seeing the photos!! I can't wait to read through my "online diary" as soon as I'm back in Austria and sort of awake!!! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you (friends and family) in Austria!! I better start writing now because otherwise I start crying again!! I had a great time and I will miss my aussie mates a lot!! Especially my Deedee!! Pooohhoooo... soooo sad!!!.....
sehr bewegend ... man wird selbst richtig traurig. die berichte und fotos waren fantastisch und immer eine große freude deine reise mitzuverfolgen.
freuen uns natürlich schon sehr auf deine rückkehr; originalzitat von deinem papa (vorige woche tennisplatz sierning): goi, nächste woche gehts wieda so richtig los, wann die klaudia wieda heimkommt!
wir pendeln alle gerade zwischen oö und dem rest von österreich (wien, salzburg, innsbruck, etc.), also meld dich bitte wann du wo bist.
bis bald, robert
Anonymous, at Monday, July 31, 2006 5:02:00 PM
I miss you i miss you i miss you already
Hope home is going well!
Australia just isn't the same without you!
Love you millions
Luv dee
Anonymous, at Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:47:00 PM
klaudi. ya estas en austria?
bueno, yo acabo d pasar por madrid. me lo pase genial como siempre.
q piensas hacer ahora?
cuentamelo todo
un besazo
Anonymous, at Monday, August 21, 2006 7:31:00 AM
Write me an email please
Luv deedee...come home
PS saw Living End and End of Fashion last night at Metro's. I think i've lost part of my hearing. We were standing in front of the speaker and it was so loud!
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 02, 2006 3:19:00 PM
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